Sunday Blog 72 – 19th February 2023

It’s not the first time that I’ve chosen a picture at random, put it onto a vision board and then see it come to life. There was the image of the Delphi temples I’d chosen years ago and put into my big annual vision board. I had somewhat impulsively booked a writing retreat in Delphi, then randomly looked at my Vision Book afterwards. There was the Delphi image, calling into reality the vision of an independent holiday in Greece with my daughter. All our other visits had been paid for by her father. She and I did indeed have a magic, independent interlude in Greece.
At the beginning of this year I chose the word “Magic” and did a vision board with lots of references to books and writing. I had no idea that I had picked the State Library of Victoria from a magazine until someone pointed it out to me. Oh, that looks quite nice I thought.
Fast forward to this little trip to Melbourne I pulled off this weekend. A mix of a COVID related cancelled flight credit and a catch up with a colleague. I stayed just outside of Melbourne for two nights and spent two days and one in the city centre.
Almost nothing went as planned for my CBD visit. Literally every social arrangement I made fell through, leaving me acres of time to fill how I liked. Of course, I looked up the State Library of Victoria, marvelled that I had never visited before. Sat in the magic dome, bought a journal from the gift shop and debriefed my weekend. Took a photo of myself to document how I’d fallen into my vision board. Magic.
Then my eye fell on a social media post from a friend from Perth who was just about to land in Melbourne. Because all my arrangements dropped away, we could meet for lunch. More magic.