Sunday Blog 89 – 18th June 2023
Last week was all about celebration – finishing the Emerging Writers Program and farewelling my mentor. Collecting my second prize certificate and winnings. Celebrating with a meal and a toast to creativity.
And then, it’s onto the next thing. This week I’ve been putting together an application for a residency in 2024. I decided to dip back into my 2014 memoir as there was a chapter I thought would be perfectly suited to the application.
And…. I hated it. Could I really have written it? Sent that out into the world? I itched to edit it, and spent today’s writing session scratching that itch.
As well has hating my former writing, I’ve been going through my many notebooks and scribblings from the workshops and courses I’ve attended over the last two years. Little gems like the one in the picture above keep popping out at me.
And so it goes on. Pen to paper. Acts of discovery, and let’s not forget, a lot of editing.