Another ending…

Sunday Blog 75 – 12th March 2023 It’s coming dangerously close to the one year anniversary of my final day of regular work – 31st March to be exact. I am thinking that I will have to stop calling it a menopausal gap year as this new life is becoming my new normal. Not retired, …

Little bits of Lencie…

Sunday Blog 74 – 5th March 2023 This phrase has been floating around my consciousness this week. Little bits of Lencie. She had many, many beautiful things and died much quicker than she had thought she would. Without the giant champagne afternoon tea planned to parcel out her many, many beautiful things. We instead had …

More than the worst thing we’ve ever done

Sunday Blog 73 – 26th February 2023 This post contains a trigger warning as it talks about perpetrators of serious crimes and sexual assaults, and explores the idea of restorative justice. I swear it was a coincidence that the episode of Invisibilia I cued up to play on my drive to Casuarina Prison was on …

Into the Vision Board…

Sunday Blog 72 – 19th February 2023 It’s not the first time that I’ve chosen a picture at random, put it onto a vision board and then see it come to life. There was the image of the Delphi temples I’d chosen years ago and put into my big annual vision board. I had somewhat …

Pushing the wheel forward…

Sunday Blog 71 – 12th February 2023 Apparently some people did not notice Monday’s full moon. I did, and it sucker punched me with a core human fear – of not belonging. Most likely this was exacerbated by my work-life situation. I am still in the never-ending process of transitioning fronting a non profit health …

I choose to forgive…

Sunday Blog 68 – 22nd January 2023 Trigger warning – this post talks about crime, punishment, forgiveness and might stir up difficult emotions or memories. Please take care when reading. Just after Christmas I read an article about a man called Abdi. He was deliberately run over by a woman while riding his bike in …

In praise of volunteering

Sunday Blog 67 – 15th January 2023 I had never really done any volunteering work until I had my daughter. Then, bored and awash with 15 years of work experience and skills, I discovered the joys and excitement of volunteering, and I was hooked. That was 23 years ago. From the moment I lodged my …