Sunday Blog 7 – 10th October 2021 If I remember correctly, I saw Michael Robotham speak at the Margaret River Writers’ Festival a few years ago – or perhaps the Perth Writer’s Festival. My memory is notoriously unreliable. For me, there’s nothing I like more than a Writers’ Festival where you can buy all sorts …
Author Archives: pipbrennan
Dirty linen
Sunday Blog 6 – 3 October 2021 “It will involve a free trip to Sydney”, I told my daughter. “All we have to do is air our dirty linen on national television.” Luckily, I had her at “Free trip to Sydney.” Clearly, I’m writing about long, long ago, in a pre-Covid world of 2018. Somebody …
Last days of Cobb Street?
Sunday Blog 5 – 26 September 2021 Cobb St is my family home built in the 1960s. The photo above is how it looked in 1963 when my father was just getting started on six decades of home handyman projects. I found a journal entry from this time last year, dated 26 Sep 2020: “It’s …
Taking flight…
Sunday Blog 4 19 September 2021 I have a habit of taking notes while listening to people speaking, which means I can end up with scraps of paper with random scribblings which no-one but myself can decipher. I found just such a scrap this week while cleaning my work desk. It was from the keynote …
Drama Triangles
Sunday Blog 3. 12th September 2021 – winnowings from this week’s readings This week there have been several books on the go, but Martha Beck’s latest book The Way of Integrity has been the one that has dominated, both in written and audio form. If you have never read anything she has written, you might …
Father’s Day
Sunday blog 2. 5th September 2021 I am at my mother’s house on the first Father’s Day in Australia since my father died. I am here to oversee the ritual of a roast in his honour which will soon be in the oven. We will gather in several hours to eat the roast. It’s not …
Turning pro?
Sunday blog 1. 29th August 2021 Your average audio book takes between 6 and 12 hours to listen to. Think about it. Imagine if you could sit down over a weekend and talk into your voice memo for ten hours and knock out a book. Technically, you could, but in reality, books can stretch over …
My Real Name
It was the third time he’d approached me in two hours. I was scratchy-eyed and still unclaimed, waiting at Thessaloniki airport from three o’clock in the morning. A particularly charmless airport in Greece’s second-biggest city, six hours north of Athens. He was yet to find the person he’d been tasked to meet, or so I …
London 2019
Life can only be understood backwards, but must be lived forwards. Soren Keikegardd Going to London in 1979 from suburban Perth was literally like going to the moon and looking back at the earth. I was 14 years old, and from then on I knew I would return and live in London. The 1979 photos …
Refugee Week Reflections
It was a beautiful day for a walk, from Greece to Bulgaria. My daughter was under one and I carried her in a sling. I walked along to our destination, the check point between the two countries. Perhaps it was the walking, the baby in a sling, but it put me in mind of the …