Sunday Blog 106 – 15th October 2023 For those readers not in Australia, yesterday was a very sad day in our history. The referendum to vote Yes for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to be enshrined in our constitution was rejected. The outstretched hand of friendship was slapped away. At 3.3o on polling …
Author Archives: pipbrennan
A Short Story
Sunday Blog 105 – 8th October 2023 I blame the travel, but I missed a deadline for a writing competition. For the lols I thought I would make it today’s Sunday Blog. It’s a fictional riff on a real stay in a writer’s cabin. When I came out for my morning break, I was no …
Giving Up The Ghost
Sunday Blog 104 – 1st October 2023 While I was away on holiday, I took two actual physical books. One of them was a copy of Hilary Mantel’s Giving Up the Ghost: A Memoir, which details her struggle with endometriosis. I was too mean to lend it to my husband after he finished his one …
Reflections from the city of ghosts
Sunday Blog 103 – Sunday 24th September It always takes me some time to “arrive” once I return from a trip. One of the biggest mysteries of travel to me not just exploring new places, but also being once again in places that you were before. It’s like re-reading a book over time, when you …
An Independent Greek Holiday
Sunday Blog 102 – 17th September 2023 It’s there in my Vision Book – “I allow myself to have regular independent Greek holidays with Zoe.” My beautiful half-Greek daughter. This year, finally I have achieved this. And it was absolutely in every way worth the wait. It’s a complicated life path to here – Greek …
The Carpet Beaters
Sunday Blog 101 – 10th September 2023 At risk of disappearing into my own navel, I’ve been re-reading letters I sent to my mother and a friend while I lived in Greece intermittently from 1996 until 2000. In March 1998 I wrote to my mother, while I was living in a very dark and dingy …
Island dreams
Sunday Blog 100 – 3rd September 2023 This was a postcard I sent to my mother in 1997, re-photographed by my own fair hands this holiday which accounts for how skew-iff the image is. I sent it to her when I had all but finished my first year of teaching English as a Foreign language …
Holiday in Brussels?
Sunday Blog 99 – 27th August 2023 Several decades ago when I worked in London, a colleague shared a birthday with me, albeit she was a few years older. It was one of our many points of connection. She was a character in so many ways but her staunch dislike for committing to a relationship …
Malevolent bed clothes
Sunday Blog 98 – Sunday 20th August 2023 (It’s still Sunday in Frankfurt!) He was trying very hard to be diplomatic, in the face-to-face interview he was conducting with me for my final recruitment process to become a shelf stacker at Woolies. This was in 2022, when I was still trying to get the right …
Creativity tobogganing
Sunday Blog 97 – Sunday 13th August 2023 Forgive me because I can’t easily lay my hand on the link – but etched onto my memory is Liz Gilbert’s description of the creative process. Imagine being up the top of a steep incline, a cardboard box or a toboggan your only tool. Creativity is egging …