More than the worst thing we’ve ever done

Sunday Blog 73 – 26th February 2023 This post contains a trigger warning as it talks about perpetrators of serious crimes and sexual assaults, and explores the idea of restorative justice. I swear it was a coincidence that the episode of Invisibilia I cued up to play on my drive to Casuarina Prison was on …

Into the Vision Board…

Sunday Blog 72 – 19th February 2023 It’s not the first time that I’ve chosen a picture at random, put it onto a vision board and then see it come to life. There was the image of the Delphi temples I’d chosen years ago and put into my big annual vision board. I had somewhat …

Pushing the wheel forward…

Sunday Blog 71 – 12th February 2023 Apparently some people did not notice Monday’s full moon. I did, and it sucker punched me with a core human fear – of not belonging. Most likely this was exacerbated by my work-life situation. I am still in the never-ending process of transitioning fronting a non profit health …

I choose to forgive…

Sunday Blog 68 – 22nd January 2023 Trigger warning – this post talks about crime, punishment, forgiveness and might stir up difficult emotions or memories. Please take care when reading. Just after Christmas I read an article about a man called Abdi. He was deliberately run over by a woman while riding his bike in …

In praise of volunteering

Sunday Blog 67 – 15th January 2023 I had never really done any volunteering work until I had my daughter. Then, bored and awash with 15 years of work experience and skills, I discovered the joys and excitement of volunteering, and I was hooked. That was 23 years ago. From the moment I lodged my …

The sound of a holiday ending

Sunday Blog 66 – 8th January 2023 As I covered up my mother’s swimming pool with its blanket, the wheel squeaked in a mournful kind of protest. It’s quite a big pool, and the sound grated for what felt like several long minutes. I was just about to take my brother and his adult daughter …

The elf re-appears – kind of

Sunday Blog 64 – 18th December 2022 Last week I spent my Sunday Blog sharing my health woes and feeling a bit sorry for myself. This Sunday I am happy to report that my Elf, while still a bit elusive is at least visiting regularly. The neck pain is largely receding and my energy is …