Sunday Blog 115 – 17th December 2023 This is my fifth blog on the 1910 novel Howards End because-well-I maintain it has something important to say about many things. And today I’m pondering the long goodbye to my family home. What better than to review what Mrs Wilcox had to say about her family home, …
Category Archives: Sunday Blog
Your loved ones are not OK
Sunday Blog 114 – 10th December 2023 So often I said this in the last few years – if I could ignite a community movement, it would be to remind people to visit their frail aged loved ones. Now I come to write this, I’m choked by my confusion, mired in my own hesitations. I …
Vale Dawnie
Sunday Blog 113 – 3rd December 2023 This is a visual tribute dedicated to a beautiful visual artist, Dawn Meader. Tuesday this week she was laid to rest in a moving funeral service. Just one year ago, in her sixtieth year on this earth, she was diagnosed with brain cancer. She didn’t fight cancer – …
Can you relate?
Sunday Blog 112 – 26 November 2023 It’s the end of November and time to review my monthly goals, only to see my November goal “regular writing practice” mock me from the page. I was going to do my version of NaNoWriMo. In case you are not familiar with the abbreviation “NaNoWriMo”, it stands for …
Woo-woo curious
Sunday Blog 111 – 19th November 2023 Buckle up because this Sunday blog is going woo-woo (definition “dubiously or outlandishly mystical, supernatural, or unscientific”) I’m pretty sure my Dad would not love the real estate agent’s description of our family home as “a renovator’s delight”, but, well, it is. That the real estate agent chose …
Ugg Boots
Sunday Blog 110 – 12th November 2023 The scale of the task is almost hypnotising. Clearing out a family home of more than 65 years. We are so lucky we still have Mum. And that we still have some time to do the clear out, it’s not a mad rush. But still. So. Much. To. …
You don’t remember me
Sunday Blog 109 – 5th November 2023 Yesterday I had the opportunity to refresh the creative well, responding to flash prompts. Here is one I felt the urge to share – flash memoir from the blur of recent hospital visits “You don’t remember me, do you?” She called to me across the room. Once. Twice. …
Discover 10 Spare Room secrets next Sunday!
Sunday Blog 108 – 29th October 2023 It’s Sunday and I’m reflecting on the very big, ginormous, impossibly long week. Do you have weeks like that? Where you shade your eyes to look across the shining expanse of the previous week all the way back to Monday? My week went a little like this: Monday: …
Continue reading “Discover 10 Spare Room secrets next Sunday!”
Outrageous Luck
Sunday Blog 107 – 22nd October 2023 It is perhaps hard to be cheerful at the moment, so here is some dark warmth for your Sunday. This holy water font was spotted on my holiday in a Salzburg church, a ghoulish flourish on the way out. Dip your finger into the skull for a dab …
A Short Story
Sunday Blog 105 – 8th October 2023 I blame the travel, but I missed a deadline for a writing competition. For the lols I thought I would make it today’s Sunday Blog. It’s a fictional riff on a real stay in a writer’s cabin. When I came out for my morning break, I was no …